Friday 6 August 2021

Racing to watch the race!

On Tuesday Lisa Carrington was racing in a kayak she is an Olympian. But we had to go swimming before watching the race

So we had not much time to watch the race. We got back as fast as we could and we just made in time, so here is the story. We walked down to Cameron Pools. But when we came back and we're getting dressed it was very slow. The teacher Miss Daly wanted to watch the race so we sprinted back. I made it back first so I was safe but then the teacher Miss Daly came second, we barely made it, it was close but we saw the race. Lisa won her race and got a gold was worth the run.

Friday 30 July 2021

 Last term I did a Olympian profile which is where you choose an Olympian and write about it. I did mine about Richie Patterson he is a weightlifter .  He has been to four Commonwealth Games  he has a gold medal and a silver medal.  I wrote how's about his passion,  what he is good at and what he likes. here's the link to take a look. I chose Richie because he came to our school.

Thursday 8 July 2021

  This week for reading we did a DLO (digital learning object) it is where you have a topic and then you make a slide show. Or Google drawing then  you put text boxes and diagrams. My one is about Matariki.  Matariki is a Maori celebration of their new year. There is 7 main  stars.

Friday 25 June 2021


 Today at school we did maths in the morning, we made metre rulers using paper.  First  you get a piece of paper then you fold it, then you cut it and tape it together. Then if you want you can put the marks on it to show centimetres and millimetres. The next day of maths with our metre rulers we went outside and measured stuff.  it  was really fun.  We measured stuff in the school like balls, wood, metal bars, chair and tables.

I learnt that there's lots of things around us to measure and there are things which are too small to measure.

Friday 28 May 2021

2021 student led toolkits

Last week me and my class did a toolkit. And me and my buddy were chosen to be presenters. So I made a slide show about Sphero. Which is a robotic ball that you drive around , code and play games with. I had to show 24 students at Owairaka school in a room how to use Sphero. So then it was our turn to present to the first we got set up then we started to present I got to drive a Sphero on a ipad to show them. They liked it then my buddy did it on the chrome book. And he drove it around the room.

Then it was the fun bit they got to have sandpit time.  They had heaps of fun they directed the Sphero through some mazes. When you walked in the room the Spheros were drifting across the floor, it was crazy. One even went though my legs. Sphero are really fast. Heres  how to use Sphero first download the app Sphero play or sphero edu. You will need an adult to sign you up to the app. Then press  Drive then a joystick will appear. That's how to control a Sphero. Just move around the joystick. 

Now it was nearly time to pack up but we had technical difficulties. With the Sphero charging because they didn't hold a charge the whole time. But I put some on to charge and monitored the Sphero charging . We had to pack up so I put the ipads in the basket and Spheros in the box ready to go back on the hall. It was a fun day I loved it I would love to do it again.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Wellbeing with Miss McGrath

 Today at school we made a fortune teller. First we folded the paper in half and then we folded again. When we finished  the  fortune teller we tried playing it on people. We wrote things like you are a great friend. 

Then we made a compliment circle. For this you give a compliment to someone in the circle. We gave a compliment to someone if we had seen them being kind. It is kind of like certificates but You get to say it to that person.

  After that  we played a fun musical gratitude game. Where you are saying something you are grateful for, something  at your house or at school. When the music stops  you have to go to the closest person  and tell them something you're grateful for.

I felt good after lots of fun work it was a really fun morning.