Friday 6 August 2021

Racing to watch the race!

On Tuesday Lisa Carrington was racing in a kayak she is an Olympian. But we had to go swimming before watching the race

So we had not much time to watch the race. We got back as fast as we could and we just made in time, so here is the story. We walked down to Cameron Pools. But when we came back and we're getting dressed it was very slow. The teacher Miss Daly wanted to watch the race so we sprinted back. I made it back first so I was safe but then the teacher Miss Daly came second, we barely made it, it was close but we saw the race. Lisa won her race and got a gold was worth the run.


  1. Great story Cole.


  2. Nice use of pictures Cole. Looks like the swimming lessons are going well. You must be speedy if you raced Miss Daly back. Maybe you could tell us a little more about Lisa Carrington. Like her date of birth, where she comes from, when she started, how many medals she has won. A profile.

  3. Hi Cole,
    Your fitness must be great to beat the whole class and Miss Daly back to school. Well done. I liked your phrase, we barely made it, it was close… That showed tension and anticipation of what was to come. What did you think and feel about Lisa’s achievement? Keep safe and keep on blogging.
    Mrs Butler


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